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COVID-19 Update

March 23, 2020

Dear Friends,

We have been thinking about you. We want to take a moment to wish you and your family well, as we all navigate these uncharted waters.

Please remember that Kids In Crisis trained Crisis Counselors remain available 24 hours a day, to take your call. If you, or any family member, is feeling overwhelmed and anxious, we are here to help.


Kids In Crisis remains grateful for the many supportive calls and emails we’ve received. Gift cards and hot meals have been dropped off curbside for our shelter residents, and we’re being asked regularly what other assistance we need.

Unfortunately, we have had to postpone or cancel all of our fundraising events scheduled for May, and that means that right now our greatest need is truly financial.

We recognize that our dedicated donors and volunteers are also facing hardships, and the last thing we want to do is ask for donations, therefore our annual annual appeal is going to be delayed. We will reach out once we are on the other side of this COVID-19 crisis.

However, if you are able to make a gift now, we truly thank you. When crisis happens the need for our services grows. We also will be updating our Wish List as necessary.

We will continue to stay in touch. But for now we simply want you to know we care about you and we wish you well.

If you have any questions please reach out to me directly via email at

Thank you for your ongoing care and concern for Kids In Crisis and the children we serve.



Shari Shapiro
Executive Director

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