About Us

Our Team

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Passionate Advocates Working Together

The Kids In Crisis team is made of passionate advocates working together to ensure the well-being of children who need it most

Staff Members

Shari L. Shapiro

Executive Director

Denise Qualey, MSW

Managing Director, Crisis and Clinical Services

John Ende

Director of Finance

Debbie Katz, LCSW

SafeHaven The Cottage Program Manager

Michael F. Ferguson

Director of Quality Assurance, Evaluation and Training

Christopher Blake, CNP

Managing Director of Operations, Finance & Development

Corinne Luszcz

Assistant Director, Quality Assurance, Evaluation and Training

Ellen Brezovsky, LCSW

Director of Outreach and Community Initiatives

Corina Restrepo, LMSW

Assistant Director, Outreach and Prevention Services
Prevention Coordinator, DFC Grant

Scott Dianis

Crisis Services Outreach Coordinator

Jennifer Brown

Operations Manager

Katie Smiley

Development and Special Events Manager

Paula Barker

Marketing Communications Manager

Kara O'Connor

Corporate & Community Partnership Manager

Tiffany Pippins

Lighthouse Manager

Jennifer Febles

Manager Early Childhood, Support and Volunteer Programs

Karen Levine

Grant Writer

Nancy Nessel

Grant Writer

Board of Directors

Suzanne Koroshetz

Board Chair

Jodi Applegate

Vice Chair

Amber Boissonneault

Scott Brenner

Stan Galanski

Board Emeritus

Blake Holden

Vice Chair

Karen Hopp

Tamara Houston

Vice Chair

Eric Jordan

Board Emeritus

Kate Laverge

Kirstin Mende

Joanne Mortimer


Jeffrey Palma

William Pierz

Board Emeritus

Kate Ritter Repen

Vice Chair

Jami Sherwood

Board Emeritus

Cory Solomon

Scott Solowey


Honorary Board Members

Craig Packer and Jan Zide


David and Debra Carlucci

Daniel and Phyllis Finn

Bill Forrest and Nancie Julian

Kim and Mary Jeffery

Ann Martin

Tom and Barbara McKelvey

Craig and Suzanne Packer

Jay and Eileen Walker

David Windreich and Chris Hikawa

Steve and Jan Zide

Ralph Wyman

We Cannot Do This Work Alone

Kids In Crisis works in close partnership and collaboration with over 75 agencies, organizations and service providers throughout Connecticut including; Statewide homeless advocacy groups, mental health collaborators, counseling agencies, law enforcement, schools, hospitals, recreation programs, funders, state protective services, juvenile courts and child advocates.